Marylin Hafner Papers. undated,


Marylin Hafner Papers. undated,

Marylin Hafner was born 14 December 1925 in Brooklyn, NY. She received her B.Sc. degree in 1947 from the Pratt Institute. Hafner undertook additional studies at the new School for Social Research (1948-1950), School of Visual Arts, Silvermine School of Art and Slade School (London, England, 1965-1966). An artist, illustrator and designer, Hafner has been employed by as art director (1950-1954), and art instructor at Famous Schools, Inc. (Westport, CT, 1968-1970). A member of the Society of Illustrators, Westoport Artists Guild, and Silvermine Guild of Artists, Hafner received the Children's Spring Book Festival Award (1949) for her work on McCall's New York Herald Tribune Bonnie Bess: The Weathervane Horse.


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Hafner, Marylin (person)

Marylin Hafner, daughter of Mark and Frances Hafner, was born 14 December 1925 in Brooklyn, NY . She received her B.Sc. degree in 1947 from the Pratt Institute . Hafner undertook additional studies at the New School for Social Research (1948-1950), School of Visual Arts, Silvermine School of Art and Slade School ( London, England, 1965-1966). An artist, illustrator and designer, Hafner has been employed by McCall's as art director (1950-1954), and art instructor at Famous Schools, Inc. ( Westpor...